How Can I Improve My Garden For Free?

How Can I Improve My Garden For Free?

How Can I Improve My Garden For Free?

Whether you’re new to gardening or you’ve been gardening for years, there are always ways to improve your garden for free. You can even do something as simple as mulch or softwood cuttings to help keep your plants healthy.


Using mulch is a great way to improve your garden. It helps to protect plants from the cold and prevents erosion. It also helps to retain moisture in the soil. You can also use mulch to control weeds.

There are many different types of mulch. They can be made from inorganic or organic materials. You can choose from wood chip, pea gravel, cardboard, leaves, pine needles, or bark. The best type of mulch to use is one that is light enough to allow air to circulate.

If you are looking to improve the health of your soil, you might want to consider adding an organic mulch. Mulch that contains grass clippings, shredded leaves, or even a few pieces of compost, will add a rich, organic matter to the soil. This will make the soil more fertile and resistant to pests.

Some gardeners are not comfortable with the look of leaves in their garden. Shredded branches are a free alternative. They will blend in with the view within a short time. They also entice more earthworms to the soil. These are ideal for woodland gardens.

Pine straw is another type of mulch that will suppress weeds. It also moderates the temperature of the soil. You should be aware that fresh green pine needles can acidify the soil. If you have sensitive plants, you should avoid using pine straw as mulch.

Corn stalks make good winter mulch. Corn stalks will allow water to reach the plant roots while at the same time preventing evaporation.

Shredded leaves are a free form of mulch. They will blend in with the view, and they are nitrogen-rich. They are also convenient every fall.


Using eggshells in the garden isn’t just a home gardener’s fancy, but it is an effective way to keep your trash out of the landfill and enhance the quality of your soil at the same time. They are a natural source of calcium, a mineral that is vital to plants.

Crushing eggshells into fine particles is a great way to increase their calcium content and improve the flow of water in your soil. You can also add them to your compost pile. This will improve the drainage of your soil and reduce the acidity in your compost.

If you aren’t into the science of it all, just crushing eggshells by hand or in a pestle will do the trick. This will also make your soil more fertile, since it will aerate.

One of the best uses for eggshells in the garden is to help prevent blossom end rot in tomato plants. In this case, the calcium in the eggshells is important, as tomatoes love it.

Other benefits of incorporating eggshells into your soil include improved airflow to the roots and reduced soil acidity. This is especially useful in containers, as good drainage is essential.

Another use of eggshells in the garden is to deter slugs and snails. Slugs and snails don’t like the sharp edges of eggshells, and will not feed on them.

The other obvious use for eggshells in the garden is to attract birds. This is a simple and effective way to make your garden more attractive to the birds, and to help prevent them from eating your tender plants. You can put them in a feeder, or scatter them around the garden.

Adding eggshells to your garden is a cheap and easy way to increase the calcium content of your soil. This is especially important if you are growing a tomato plant, as the calcium will help stop the blossom end rot.

Wood ash

Using wood ash in your garden can boost the potash content of your soil and improve the microbial environment. These are just two of the benefits of this all natural amendment.

It can also be used to control common pests. This includes insects and weeds. It can also be used as a fertilizer. In addition, it can be used to make a homemade fertilizer tea. Whether you are using wood ash for your vegetable garden, flowerbeds, or lawn, you can apply it at recommended rates to keep metal concentrations in your soil at safe levels.

Aside from improving the microbial environment, the use of wood ash can help to regulate pH levels in your soil. This helps to balance the nutrients found in composted manures. It can also be used to protect wooden fences from insects.

You can use wood ash to make a homemade tomato fertilizer. However, you should only use wood ash in the right circumstances. For example, you shouldn’t use wood ash on acid-loving crops such as potatoes. Instead, you may want to consider using agricultural lime, which is available for purchase.

If you’re looking to use wood ash in your garden, you should check with your county Extension office for recommendations. It may be useful to test your soil’s pH before using any amendment. This can be done with a simple lab soil test or by testing the pH in your garden.

You can also try to mix wood ashes into your manure before applying it to the plants. This will increase the nutrient content of the manure and prevent it from being leached out in rain. You should apply about a tablespoon per 1,000 gallons of water.


Using newspapers as mulch in your garden can help improve your soil structure and save you money. It can also smother weeds and reduce the need for cultivation.

Newspapers are porous, so they allow water and air to pass through them. They also break down in a natural composting process. These benefits make them a great addition to your garden.

You can recycle newspapers in your own backyard compost bin. It’s a cheap alternative to toxic herbicides and helps you keep your soil healthy. Adding newspaper to your compost pile will make your vegetable plants grow better in the spring.

You can also use newspapers as a landscape fabric. Simply dampen the paper and lay it down around your garden at dusk. The newspaper will block the sun from your plants, keeping their roots cool in the hot summer months.

Old newspapers can be used to plant seedlings. They are ideal for starting seeds that may not transplant well. They are also a good way to trap insects, including worms.

A nice touch is to add a layer of shredded leaves beneath the newspaper mulch. This helps smother weeds and keeps the earth warm. It will also soak up any fall rains.

You can also line your garden litter boxes with newspapers to avoid a bad smell. This is a good idea if you have pets. You can even clean glass vases with newspapers.

You can get free newspaper by scouring your local library, asking neighbors and even checking your local trash cans. Be sure to wait until your papers are about to expire. This way, you won’t have to deal with a whole bunch of garbage.

Softwood cuttings

Taking softwood cuttings to propagate your plants is an easy and effective method. You can get a wide variety of plants to grow from these cuttings. They are also great for creating new hedging or wind breaks in your garden. Taking softwood cuttings is an easy way to save money and enjoy the beauty of your garden.

The easiest way to take cuttings is to find a piece of woody shrub that is healthy and has newly formed growth. When you take the cutting, remove a third to half of the leaves on the stem. This will help the cuttings to produce strong, healthy roots.

The next step is to make sure that the cuttings are planted in moist potting mix. The potting mix should be loose, but not waterlogged.

Once the cuttings have developed roots, move them to a spot in your garden where they will receive more sunlight. You can also transfer them to a larger pot.

After rooting, be sure to check the roots of the plant frequently. If any of the veins have pulled away from the rooting mix, it is time to repot the plant. You should also consider relocating the cuttings to a less humid area.

Hardwood cuttings are also an easy way to increase your stock of plants. They are taken from the woody stems of perennials in the fall or winter. They will remain dormant during the winter months, but they will have new growth in the spring.

Hardwood cuttings can be used for personal use or sold to other homesteaders. They are also a good way to increase the fruit production on your trees and shrubs. They can be planted in beds with organic matter, or they can be placed in containers.